The District of Talomo under the City Schools Division of Davao had its first District seminar for all subject areas last June 2, 2011. The Seminar on Reading for Kindergarten, Grade I and Grade II Teachers was done at the Talomo Central Elementary School Gymnasium. There were more than one hundred (100) teachers in attendance. The goals in choosing the topics were to let the teachers inculcate the value of reading in the minds of the children, and to identify and make use of a range of reading strategies which ensures that the learners achieve targeted learning outcomes.

The topic on “What is Reading?” was discussed first by the new District Reading Coordinator, Mrs. Rosario Myla A. Ignacio. In this talk, the participants were made to understand the Value of Reading and How to Teach Children the Habit of Reading. Components of Reading, Factors that Affect Reading Performance and the Principle in Teaching Reading were also discussed. Included still was the topic on the Different Learning Disabilities. The afternoon session started a t 1:15 in the afternoon.  The topic on Reading Strategies in a Learner-centered classroom was discussed. Included in this topic were the Current views of Reading, Teaching Reading for the Information Age and the Various Approaches in Teaching Reading.

Participants were informed that each Learner has a different learning style, learning phase, learning preferences, and that there are a range of strategies to facilitate learning not just in reading but in all subject areas. It was also emphasized that reading strategies are not used in a “grab-bag” fashion. Teachers need to use professional judgment to identify which strategy will ensure that their students achieve the targeted learning outcomes.

After the discussion, Demonstration Teaching by the new District Reading Coordinator followed. The demonstration teaching focused on understanding a short story using a graphic organizer. After the demonstration teaching was the feed backing then Workshop on Lesson Plan Making using the different strategies learned.  This was done per school.  The day ended with a Wrapping up Activity and a Closing Program.  The District Reading Coordinating Principal, Mrs. Maria Epifania M. Villa challenged the participants to make use of the learning they have today inside their classroom. She also thanked all of the participants for their cooperation.